Got Time?

Got Time?

I had a thought this morning!  Am I getting to a bunch of things I thought I would get done if I had the gift of time? Not that I have a lot of spare time in lockdown as work is still a priority and using MS Teams as a communication tool makes so much possible. Working with a team who make it happen is even better!

But I digress, it is a time to reassess what and how we are doing things. It’s a time to question our values and make sure they align with our end result of time spent on them. Are we building for the short term or are we valuing the relationships around us that are supportive and upbuilding helping to propel us towards a better version of myself?

Let us be bold and be like the men of Issachar,

1 Chronicles 12:32 Amplified Bible (AMP)

32 Of the tribe of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, two hundred chiefs; and all their relatives were at their command;

This worldwide lockdown period is our incredible time to live through a life-defining time period that is forever changing the direction and impetus of the world. Nothing is going to be the same coming out of it, and as dangerous and difficult as this time is, it is a time of new opportunities to dig deep, become kinder and face the challenges ahead of us more united and determined to effect change with those around us.

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