What a week

Have had one seeeriously hectic week and still not finished.

Some highlights:

1. Great time with Abba on Monday morning, pity I missed David Smit though – will get it right next time boet.
2. Jan has been having great meetings re LifeStem and we are flying.
3. Met lots of folks with cancer and we are able to walk with them into victory.
4. Having prayer answered as we are praying – really hot.
5. Sending our first consignment of LifeStem out of our borders to Namibia, world next.
6. Had a great time at God@Work last night – thanks Jax for leading.
7. Great pastors breakfast this morning with Simon leading.

Will be posting more on RETS after the weekend. RETS = Re-equipping The Saints. Jax, John and I will be sharing on Fathers love @ New Life Pinelands



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