Does God speak into the financial situation?

In February 2008 at month end which is our Financial year-end in South Africa, I brought a word that at our God@Work meeting that Jax and I run that we were entering a new financial arena and we were not to fear or get despondent as God’ would look after us and we would find our solutions within His grace. This was at a time of a lot of doom and gloom prophecies hitting the web.

Well, we all know shortly after that we had the economic meltdown we are all facing at the moment. By November last year when market commentators were talking about 3 – 5 years before any turnaround, I felt the Lord say that by 1 September 2009 He will reverse what man had caused and we would see the return of finance flowing more freely. Yesterday one of the banks here as per the post below changed its policy towards credit.

At a Xmas barbecue at a friends house someone tried to put me on the spot re the oil price and I asked God what will happen and felt to share that oil (I think we use Brent) would not go over USD 50 a barrel before the end of March – I think I was out by about 5 days. Not His fault, but rather a hurried ear on my part.

There are many more instances like these I could mention, but the point is that God does care and does share His plans and love for us.

So to get back to today – September has come and I do believe that we will now see through His grace a return to financial stability for a season. It is now a time to step out and be bold, hear from Him and believe. Remember, His prosperity is not about your comfort as much as you being able to step in and help the widow and orphans around you.



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